Our Solutions, Your World.

Unleash the true potential of your ecosystem. Quickly and easily build IoT networks of hyper-connected edge devices, optimized around your industry and your needs. Just bolt on, power up, provision, and you’ll be streaming intelligence in minutes.

We make monitoring, managing, and monetizing your equipment and assets simple.


Simplifying access to information in the field for smart water and energy usage, increased productivity, and improved crop yields.

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Connecting energy ecosystems for increased infrastructure capacity, efficiency, and resilience on a massive and industrial scale.

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Expanding visibility and control of maritime assets through satellite connectivity for sustainable fishing and safe passage.

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Public Sector

Providing governments, militaries, and public organizations the edge intelligence to manage critical operations and sustainably deliver services.

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Telematics intelligence for safety, compliance, and profitability challenges of today and V2X demands of tomorrow, extending connectivity to untethered equipment and intelligent operations.

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